How to use Inventor Reset Utility to reset the local environment for a Windows User Account (Inventor)
You want to use Autodesk Inventor Reset Utility to reset the local Inventor environment for a Windows User Account. Damaged local user account settings can impair the normal operation of Autodesk Inventor.
Common symptoms include:
Unable to export AutoCAD DWG
Unable to launch add-In
Add-In commands are grayed in the ribbon
Dialog boxes do not appear after launching a command
Import/Export commands do not function
Program crashes when entering add-in workspace
Note: It may be necessary to lower the User Account Control settings to the lowest level and temporarily disable any anti-virus software for the reset activity.
To lower the User Account Control settings:
Browse to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsUser Accounts.
Select "Change User Account Control Settings."
Move the slider to the lowest setting, "Never Notify."
Select OK.
This process will remove all customizations done in the following areas:
Keyboard shortcuts
Marking menu
Application options
Current Autoload state for Inventor add-ins
Current state of Welcome Screen
Recently opened files
Vault Server login information
To back up all ribbon, keyboard, and marking menu (GUI) customizations:
Export an XML file from the Customize dialog box (Tools ribbon > Customize).
To back up all of the Application Options:
Export an XML file from the Application Options dialog box (Tools ribbon > Application Options).
The reset tool will automatically detect which versions of Inventor the user has run and display them in the Autodesk Inventor Reset dialog box. By default, the reset tool selects the version initiated most recently.
To launch the reset utility:
Extract the attachment in this article and double-click the executable file.
How to use Inventor Reset Utility to reset the local environment for a Windows User Account (Inventor)
You want to use Autodesk Inventor Reset Utility to reset the local Inventor environment for a Windows User Account.
Damaged local user account settings can impair the normal operation of Autodesk Inventor.
Common symptoms include:
Unable to export AutoCAD DWG
Unable to launch add-In
Add-In commands are grayed in the ribbon
Dialog boxes do not appear after launching a command
Import/Export commands do not function
Program crashes when entering add-in workspace
Note: It may be necessary to lower the User Account Control settings to the lowest level and temporarily disable any anti-virus software for the reset activity.
To lower the User Account Control settings:
Browse to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsUser Accounts.
Select "Change User Account Control Settings."
Move the slider to the lowest setting, "Never Notify."
Select OK.
This process will remove all customizations done in the following areas:
Keyboard shortcuts
Marking menu
Application options
Current Autoload state for Inventor add-ins
Current state of Welcome Screen
Recently opened files
Vault Server login information
To back up all ribbon, keyboard, and marking menu (GUI) customizations:
Export an XML file from the Customize dialog box (Tools ribbon > Customize).
To back up all of the Application Options:
Export an XML file from the Application Options dialog box (Tools ribbon > Application Options).
The reset tool will automatically detect which versions of Inventor the user has run and display them in the Autodesk Inventor Reset dialog box. By default, the reset tool selects the version initiated most recently.
To launch the reset utility:
Extract the attachment in this article and double-click the executable file.